DIY Plant based face mask and skin toner
Eco Skin toner and Eco face mask
Skin toner and face mask
Although the day feels like it’s still summer, we are in the full swing of fall in the Pacific Northwest. The air feels different. It’s cooler and the nights are getting longer. The suns energy is fading. I am putting a lot of my energy into staying aligned with the plant essence because I know they store the sun for us. They hold on to just enough to get through the cold. The nourishment in the relationships is so divine.
I feel the cooling on my skin, small cracks are already appearing on my fingers. It feels like the moisture is literally being pulled out my skin. Though I know it has more to do with my decrease in water, so we are trying to remember to drink, even though we are not as thirsty. I am using an arnica cream as well to help keep them moist. It is helping as well, especially when I am at work.
I wanted to share a little plant love on top of the skin though and have a family facial session! The children and I have been doing self-care rituals since they were small. Hair and skin treatments are the most fun for everyone. They get to learn about how different plants help different things and we get to work with the plants, bonding the useful knowledge to an action. I know this will be what they follow as they raise their babies because they will understand the practicality of aligning with plants (plus the effectiveness and affordability! this is cheap yall!)
So, we made a bentonite clay mask and an apple cider vinegar toner . Everyone is shining now! 🙂

Recipe For face mask :
Combine 2 tablespoons bentonite clay with
2 tablespoon kelp
1 tablespoon passionflower
the leaves of 1 sprig of rosemary
about 2 teaspoons dried lavender flowers
4 capsules silica extract (I used bamboo, you could use 1 tablespoon horsetail, though this was our source of silica today)
in spice grinder and grind until a thin powder. Remove any rosemary leaves that do not break down.

Stir in (with a wooden spoon) enough water to make a smooth and firm mud. Keep it moist and muddy. It will help in application.
Apply on the face for five to ten minutes. Rinse with warm water. Do not allow to fully dry. It will be a beast to get off.

Now for the plant line up. I chose these plants because I was thinking of detox, cleansing and moisturizing. Bentonite clay is a super detox supporter because it actually helps lift heavy metals and toxins out of the skin. Once it starts to dry, you can feel the sucking action taking place. The pores empty and the skin can breathe just a bit deeper.
The kelp was for the moisturizing support. The iodine in kelp makes it a great moisturizer. It is also jam packed with antioxidants and other vital minerals that are all great for topical skin care, especially during seasonal transitions. You know the ocean is life!
The bamboo was added in for the silica. Silica is used by our skin to actually build new, strong and healthy skin cells so our skin can be supple and stay fresh looking. I am not sure if this silica is actually going to be used by the body since we are washing it off. Though I am sure there must be some topical advantage of using it. It’s in so many beauty products.
The fresh lavender and rosemary brought some powerful essential oils and living essence to the mask. Both are great for anti-inflammation and the herbal go-to’s for all things skin. The rosemary is growing really strong and green right now too. I can tell her oils are ready to support us through the seasonal transition as well.
And using a bit of my passionflower from last months Rooted subscription service, I brought in a special plant friend. I initially thought to use her due to her beauty. The flower is a favorite and is just so attractive. I saw the flower on my skin and knew she would be a good addition. And indeed she is great for skin. A great cleanser and toner. She’s also known to help clear pore and felt like the perfect herb to prepare the face for the topical cleansing.

After all the masks were rinsed off, we followed up with an apple cider vinegar toner to clean and seal. The children fussed about the smell of the kelp and of the vinegar, though they usually make a comment about ACV. I just keep reminding them how helpful it is to us. They tend to obliged.
I took…
1 cup raw ACV
1 cup fresh brewed chamomile tea
1/2 cup rose water
1 teaspoon vitamine E oil
7 drops of frankincense essential oil and mixed well.
We wiped our faces with a cotton balls. It felt so refreshing. The vinegar was blended with the rose water. I really liked this recipe. The water was smooth and fragrant.
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best cleaners around. It eliminates bacteria and breaks down dirt and oils so efficiently. It is my primary cleanser in our home.
The rose water added the smoothness. I could feel the petals on my skin it seemed. Rose petal oil is a super skin conditioner and moisturizer. It is great for skin pH balances and helps hydrate the skin.
Frankincenseis a lover of the skin and has been used for centuries as an anti-aging topical treatment. We use frankincense for any skin issue that arises. I have watched it heal skin spots over a few days. The antioxidant power in the Boswelia serrata plant is strong enough that every human should be applying frankincense to their skin, if not daily, very consistently.
Chamomile has cooling and relaxing properties for the mind and skin as well. It was mostly to help dilute the vinegar and add in more of our personally harvested plant friends. I topped it off with vitamin E to help preserve the mix and for additional skin support. Vitamin E is a focus in skin health and helps balance free radicals on the surface of the skin ie skin spots and acts as a skin preservative as well, helping the skin stay young healthy and protected over time.

This was the capstone of the session. It felt cool and I could tell the pores were wide open to receive the plant blessing. Thankful for their support and guidance in all the ways they provide.
What skin regimens do you follow for the fall changes? Is this a rough time of year for your skin as well? Remember… Drink lots of water!!! Skin health really is a direct reflection of internal health, so take skin issues seriously and follow the cause. Health is wealth family!!!
Peace XO
See another DIY for different technique to sewing cloth wipes for babies that does not require a serger.